A modern house with modern comforts, and connection to exterior spaces yet maintaining privacy.

A modern house with modern comforts, and connection to exterior spaces yet maintaining privacy.

The client wanted a comfortable house for a family, and to embrace sustainable building strategies.

The client also desired privacy, plus views of the park and lake beyond. This was challenging given the prominent site by the park and the fact that it was situated across from a high rise.

Loft-like Living and Dining Rooms with a full- width bay window allow the park to flow in. By contrast, the house’s private spaces are carved into its sculptural volumes, and nestle in the tree canopy. A roof terrace behind an angled parapet is strategically hidden from view.

Passive and active sustainable building strategies were integrated, and informed the building’s form and orientation

Client, Lake Shore Drive Residence: “Sharlene was the principal architect on my home in east Lakeview. I acquired the land for the home with only a vague idea of what kind of home I wanted to build. Sharlene worked with me every step of the process, and in the end helped design a home that is functional and pleasing to the senses, whether I am standing outside the house or sitting inside in any room of the house. I could not have selected a better architect. I am truly grateful every day for her work. Sharlene’s attention to detail is extraordinary, as is her passion for her work.”

Notable Recognitions: Chicago Green Home Certified

See Accolades and Press for additional awards and recognition.

Role: Project Architect

Year Completed: 2011 while at Wheeler Kearns Architects

Photographer: Steve Hall, Hedrich Blessing


